
(Last Updated : 02-Jan-2009)

Cave   Alviela

Aminais de Baixo, Alcanena

Level    Cave-1
The Cave   

Access is difficult – 4m long ladders and ropes required to negotiate through a short (25m) but cumbersome dry cave session to reach the water.

Alviela is one of the major springs in Portugal and was once the major source of water in Lisbon; today less than 10% of Lisbon’s water consumption comes from Alviela. The entrance is situated in a Park area which is a popular swimming venue for the local population. There is also a camping site, restaurant and toilets on-site. The local municipality built a science exhibition pavilion on site, which features a virtual 3D trip through the cave system with explanation about cave formations and water cycles.

The cave drops quickly to 30m (around 100m penetration) with most of the passages located between the 40 and 55m depth range. The “supposed” main tunnel then drops steeply down to 125m and continues according to the last 2002 exploration effort (SPE and FFESSM). Recently (2007) Jeróme Meynié supported by SPE, reached 130m and returned with news of a blocked passage, and silt on the floor of the high flow main tunnel ! Lots of exploration opportunities exist in this beautiful cave.


Fills : There are no filling facilities on site. Lisbon or Peniche (both some 100km from the cave) are the closest filling points.

Hotel : Amiribatejo in Aminais de Baixo, just 2km from the cave, is friendly, clean and inexpensive with lots of space to keep tanks and gear.

   16ºC (61º F)

Projects in


You need an authorisation from "Parque Natural das Serras de Aire e Candeeiros" to dive the cave.

Gallery  Alviela Gallery



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